What's next...
In 2023 we made the important decision to retire Action IT in its current form at Monash University.
The lessons learnt from this model will go on to inform future programs of supporting NGOs in IT tasks that they otherwise would not be able to support.
After 5 semesters of supporting over 20 organisations by over 100 students, we have made the important decision to pause and reflect on the model.
We want to thank all who participated, the management team, supervisor board and all those who contributed in any way to this journey.
We encourage those in IT wherever you are in your career to consider how your skills can help those without these key literacies.
Thanks for your understanding,
Tom Bartindale
CEO, Action IT
About Us
Action IT is an innovative IT consultancy supporting NGOs with limited resources in delivering sustainable IT projects. We support qualified university student volunteers working on well-defined projects within a professional team. Action IT supports both student’s professional development and the delivery of projects that would have otherwise been impossible to deliver at third sector organisations.
University students volunteer their time during semesters at Action IT, supported and managed by the experienced team at Action Lab. Students gain valuable experience working in real-world IT projects for international NGOs, whilst producing concrete examples of work for their CV.
Sustainable IT Projects
Action IT works with organisations to design projects that map to the skills and experience and capacity of the team to deliver complete and sustainable IT projects.
Our Partners
We are proud to be initially partnering with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (through Solferino Academy) to support National RC societies across the world. If you are a NGO and are interested, find out more here.
Who We Are?
Action IT's Executive Board is responsible for day-to-day delivery of client solutions, under the governance of the Supervisory Board. For each client, a delivery lead is responsible for managing a team (3-5) of Action IT members chosen by their experience and skill set.
Solution delivery teams consist of IT specialists, designers, and project managers depending on the project scope.
The Supervisory Board reviews Action IT's operations bi-annually to ensure transparency and accountability.

Tom Bartindale
Chief Executive Officer
An academic researcher specializing in new media production technologies. Tom has extensive experience building and maintaining IT systems for the third sector. He is responsible for making major corporate decisions, building and maintaining client relationships, and managing the overall operation of Action IT.

Dinislam Abdulgalimov
Chief Technology Officer
Dinislam is a Research Software Engineer with rich experience working with Industry and NGOs. He makes executive decisions with regards to the technological interests of Action IT He is responsible for service delivery, managing the development and deployment of all services provided by Action IT to clients.

Grace Xie
Chief Information Officer
With more than 15 years of experience in software engineering, Grace is responsible for Action IT's information and data governance. Grace supports the team in streamlining suitable technologies and related policies to optimize strategic benefits.

Joshua Pablo Seguin
Chief Experience Officer
Joshua takes care of the Action IT brand and communication strategy, while providing expert guidance on the UX/UI design services of the group. Joshua has got years of experience designing digital products and marketing campaigns for multinational brands (e.g. Coca-cola, Unilever, and Uniqlo) and NGOs including IFRC and community-based organisations.

Delvin Varghese
Director of Partnerships
Delvin is responsible for engaging with our external NGO partners, building meaningful relationships which lead to sustainable project deliveries. A key part of this role is supporting our volunteers in building their identity as volunteering professionals.

Margherita Angelucci
Recruitment and Volunteer Coordinator
Margherita is responsible for organising and managing the recruitment process of Action IT volunteers. She leads the volunteer management and ensures service mission objectives are met. Margherita coordinates and guides volunteer students ensuring they receive sufficient support and achieve their goals.
Delivery Leads
Delivery leads take responsibility for client projects, managing IT specialists, designers, and project managers to deliver client solutions. They coordinate project teams to keep everybody in sync with the product deliverables.
Supervisory Board
At Action IT we aim to be a transparent and accountable initiative, recognising that our primary responsibility is to both the organisations we work with and the students that work within Action IT
To maintain such accountability, we have a Supervisory Board who meet twice a year to review Action IT’s:
- Current project portfolio
- Working practices
- Student wellbeing and support
- External organisational relationships
This team comprises members from across the university and NGO sector, whose primary responsibility is to the students and organisations we work with.
This team receives a summary report from the Action IT Executive Board prior to each meeting, and can propose recommendations or suggestions for improvement as appropriate. If you have any concerns or questions related to Action IT, please feel free to contact the Supervisory Board for more information.
Heather Leson
Digital Innovation Lead, IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)